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by Der Abt
07 Oct 2023, 17:16
Forum: MidiKey2Key Support
Topic: newbie question
Replies: 1
Views: 89418

Re: newbie question

I am not sure, if I understand You correctly. Normally You would produce a MIDI event on a MIdI controller/instrument and let MK2K translate this into a keypress on the PC. Yyou wrrote thaat You'dd liike to react on a F-Key pressing on Your MIDI controller. Does this pproduce a MIDII meessage like a...
by Der Abt
29 Sep 2023, 11:50
Forum: MidiKey2Key Support
Topic: Not working in Euro Truck simulator 2
Replies: 3
Views: 58398

Re: Not working in Euro Truck simulator 2

Der Abt wrote: 17 Jul 2023, 13:01 MK2K will be extended with another keypress-strategy in future.
by Der Abt
29 Sep 2023, 11:44
Forum: MidiKey2Key Support
Topic: Managing profiles and multiple devices
Replies: 1
Views: 40680

Re: Managing profiles and multiple devices

Yes, You can run as many instances of MK2K at te same time as You wish. When the hotkeys of Your programs are all different, You could have only one profile for all. You can create shortcuts to MK2K to start it with certain settings with File - Save Shortcut. MK2K can not detect the app in focus for...
by Der Abt
29 Sep 2023, 11:34
Forum: MidiKey2Key Support
Topic: No action is created
Replies: 1
Views: 41962

Re: No action is created

It looks like that this is Your first action You are creating.
Sems there is no settings.ini.
Can You try to create one With File - New?
by Der Abt
29 Sep 2023, 11:31
Forum: MidiKey2Key Support
Topic: Mapping to continuous Controls
Replies: 1
Views: 41874

Re: Mapping to continuous Controls

I am not sure if I understand Your post correct.

If Your controller sends a 0 or a 127 and if Your software allows hotkeys for incrementing or decrementing values, You can use these controller actions.
Did You try the option "Controller action"?
by Der Abt
06 Aug 2023, 12:22
Forum: Talk & Support
Topic: Modus A und B in "Send MIDI"
Replies: 3
Views: 139345

Re: Modus A und B in "Send MIDI"

Wenn ich es rchtig verstehe, geht das aktuell nicht.
Eine Art Zustandsvariable müsste eingebaut werden.
Wahrscheinlich wird es mit der kommenden Script Engine gehen, mit der man beliebige Bedingungen definieren können wird.

Das wird allerdings noch dauern.
by Der Abt
17 Jul 2023, 13:51
Forum: Talk & Support
Topic: Modus A und B in "Send MIDI"
Replies: 3
Views: 139345

Re: Modus A und B in "Send MIDI"

Es gibgt keinen Befehl der "alle anderen" Tasten auf einmal behandelt. Dazu müsste man ja eine Liste definieren, die diese Tasten bezeichnet. Du musst leider für jeden einzelnen Aktivierungsbefehl die Deaktivierungsbefehle der anderen Tasten einbauen. ... Wobei, ich glaube, Dein Problem bezieht sch ...
by Der Abt
17 Jul 2023, 13:41
Forum: Other 75r software
Topic: Consider using StartRemote for launching commands on remote PCs
Replies: 0
Views: 168580

Consider using StartRemote for launching commands on remote PCs

StartRemote is a very powerful free solution for launching programs/commands on a remote PC using a small customizeable button-GUI or a webpage in Your local networt or anywhere in the world over the internet even with no need setup port-forwardings in Your router. Info and download:
by Der Abt
17 Jul 2023, 13:35
Forum: Other 75r software
Topic: TwitchControl: New release v2.0.2
Replies: 0
Views: 84853

TwitchControl: New release v2.0.2

TwitchControl was completely re-written, exteded and adapted to the latest twitch API-version.

It lets You define presets to change Your stream settings/category/title with a singke click.

by Der Abt
17 Jul 2023, 13:28
Forum: MidiKey2Key Support
Topic: Unhandled Exception Error
Replies: 6
Views: 109456

Re: Unhandled Exception Error

Hey @rwilliams99, I am sorry to read about Your issue.
I do not have this problem, so it is hard to fid the cause.
Scripting abilities, and sequencing with timing and pauses is an upcoming feature.