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How do I get the "XX"s out of my DATA string

Posted: 19 Sep 2020, 17:26
by leod
Whenever I create a new thing it puts those 2 "XX"s in my DATA string which hides the differentiating digits. So like for example, the data for one MIDI button will be "900000" and the data next to it is "900100" but it will put 2 "X"s right where the differentiating digit is so the data will just be "90XX00" so it hides the differentiating digit and so I can't make more than one macro because every button on my midi controller now has the same DATA string. Please help me thank you.

Re: How do I get the "XX"s out of my DATA string

Posted: 19 Sep 2020, 22:41
by Der Abt
Describe what You are doing until You get a 90XX00 display. A screen Video would be nice.

Which entry in the log window do You click? Make a Screenshot.

Watch the tutorial videos to understand midikey2key.

Re: How do I get the "XX"s out of my DATA string

Posted: 20 Sep 2020, 02:04
by leod

Re: How do I get the "XX"s out of my DATA string

Posted: 20 Sep 2020, 10:21
by Der Abt
Thanks for making the video!
For You as a OBS user this was propably much more quicker than describing with words what You do.

Ok I see MidiKey is behaving as expected. I really wonder, what You are trying to archive or if You understand what You are doing.

You deselect the checkbox „React on 1st value“. Why???
You are telling MK2K to react on ANY noteOn Event with the velocity of 0.
I guess You have a midi device, that sends NoteOn with velo=0 when releasing a key.

So the action will be triggered of releasing ANY key. Is it this, what You want?

The first byte is the MidiMessage in this case 90 means NoteOn on Channel 1.
The second byte tells the Midi Note number. If You set it to XX, You are telling:I do not care about a special note, I want in on every Note.
The 3rd byte of a NoteOn or NoteOff message is the velocity. You leave it to 0 what is equal to release a key.
So every key, You release will trigger this single action. Everything is fine. But WHY do You want this?

What Do You want?

To understand Midi messages, I recommend J Bello‘s Midi documentation which can be found under „other tools“ on the homepage.
Without an understanding of this, You can not operate MidiKey2Key to let it do, what you want.

Re: How do I get the "XX"s out of my DATA string

Posted: 20 Sep 2020, 20:15
by leod
I have a novation launchpad so that's why I select the 2nd checkbox. Basically when I assign one of my midi keys to a key on my keyboard, it changes the "DATA" thing and puts two Xs in the middle of my midi DATA number. Because of this, my data looks like this: 90XX00 instead of like this: 900100

The problem with this is that ALL of the buttons on my midi controller use 90XX00 so the app doesn't know the difference between each button because the 2 Xs are covering the difference in the data.

So like the first button on my controller looks like this: 900000
And then the second one looks like this: 900100

But the app puts two Xs right where the different number is so BOTH of the buttons end up looking like this: 90XX00 and it doesn't know the difference between the 2 buttons. I just want to get rid of those Xs or something.

Re: How do I get the "XX"s out of my DATA string

Posted: 21 Sep 2020, 00:25
by leod
Ok I fixed it thanks for you help. Also, is there a way to make a key press 2 times? Like I press the button and it presses "J" 2 or 3 times?

Re: How do I get the "XX"s out of my DATA string

Posted: 21 Sep 2020, 10:47
by Der Abt
Glad to here, that You fixed the problem without answering my question why You did disable "React on first value".

In the preesent version of MidiKey2Keythere is no option to generate a script with keys. This will come in a future release.
In the meantime You can try to edit Your .ini file and make a new entry with the same source Midi-message. But this will make the keypresses right after the other depending on the keyboard delay which was set.

If You are satisfied by two keypresses with the launchpad You can disable "React on 2nd value". So You will get two keypresses.

A more advanced solution is to use te program SendKey which You can find in the Download section as start-program-action instead of a keypress.
It can produce full phrases like "Hello", You can define Pauses, it can start programs, wait for them, bring them to front. Check it out!